Generosity | Pastor Paul Booko | All In

Generosity | Pastor Paul Booko | All In

Generosity is love in action. Serve Day – Saturday 10AM – 12PM Saved People Serve People Love – 714x Giving / Generosity – 2,152x The value of my life isn’t determined by how much I achieve or accumulate but by how much of my life I give...
Elementary | Start the Party | June Series Overview

Elementary | Start the Party | June Series Overview

Monthly Big Idea Joy is choosing to celebrate what God is doing. MEMORY VERSE “A cheerful heart makes you healthy. But a broken spirit dries you up.” Proverbs 17:22, NIrV   Week One The Story of the Lost SheepLuke 15:1-7 We can have joy because of Jesus Week Two...
Preschool | Start the Party | June Series Overview

Preschool | Start the Party | June Series Overview

Monthly Big Idea I can have joy all the time. MEMORY VERSE “A joyful heart is good medicine.” Proverbs 17:22, ESV   Week One Story of the Lost SheepLuke 15:1-7 Jesus tells a parable about a shepherd and his lost sheep to teach us about God’s love. Week Two Feast...