In the darkest corners of life, where hope seems lost and brokenness takes over, God’s grace shines brightest. This is the inspiring story of Gabriel Adam—a man who went from living in the grip of addiction, violence, and despair to experiencing the transformative power of Christ’s love and redemption.

A Life Lost in Darkness
Gabriel grew up during the height of the methamphetamine epidemic in the early 2000s. Addiction wasn’t just present in his life—it was the norm. For Gabriel and the people around him, meth wasn’t just a temptation; it was a way of life.
That way of life brought devastating consequences. Gabriel found himself in and out of prison for years, serving extended sentences for multiple drug-related felonies. After six and a half years in prison, he was released only to return 14 months later for another seven years. Addiction and anger had taken a toll, leading him to make choices that darkened his heart even further.
But his lowest point came on August 22, 2022, when he assaulted an innocent man on a runner’s trail, mistakenly believing the man was breaking into his camper. Facing charges that could lead to a 25-to-life sentence, Gabriel found himself in a county jail, broken and desperate.

The Bible That Changed Everything
In jail, Gabriel attended a Bible study—not because he was searching for God, but to meet up with his little brother, who was about to be released. Sitting at the back of the room, he had no idea that this decision would change his life forever.
A man handed him a Bible that day—a simple, brown, imitation leather Bible with gold leaf. Gabriel took it back to his cell, and as the silence and loneliness pressed in, he hit his knees and prayed for the first time in his life.
“If you’re real,” he prayed, “I’ll lay down my addictions and my pride, and I’ll serve you.”
That night, he slept better than he had in years. When he woke up, there was a piece of mail on the bars of his cell. It was from the prosecuting attorney’s office, notifying him that all charges against him had been dropped.
A Second Chance
At sentencing, the judge acknowledged Gabriel’s past, telling him that, by all accounts, he should be sent back to prison for the rest of his life. But then she said something surprising: “Something in me wants to give you a chance.” Instead of prison, Gabriel was sent to Teen Challenge—a decision that would change everything.
Teen Challenge wasn’t easy. It was, in Gabriel’s words, the hardest experience of his life, but also the most transformative. It was there that his faith deepened, and he began to understand the power of God’s grace.

Finding a New Home
Gabriel’s journey led him to Riverside Church, where he attended a mass rally and saw a sign that read: “Welcome Home. You were created to make a difference.”
This simple message struck a chord in Gabriel’s heart. At Riverside, he found more than just a church; he found a family. It became a place where his faith could grow and where he could share the journey with others. His family’s faith blossomed as well—his children brought home lessons from church excited to share, and his wife was baptized.
Through Christ, Gabriel has been restored. He now prays with his sons at every meal, leads Bible studies as a family, and embraces his role as a husband and father with a tender heart—a gift he knows came from God.
The Power of a Desperate Prayer
Reflecting on his journey, Gabriel shares the key to his transformation: a desperate prayer from a broken heart. “The blessing comes through the testing,” he says. “Brokenness can be made into wholeness through Him.”
In that moment of surrender, Gabriel gave everything to God: his pride, his addictions, and his past. And in return, God gave him freedom, purpose, and a future filled with hope.
A Message of Hope
Gabriel’s story is a testament to the power of God’s love and redemption. No matter how far you’ve fallen or how broken you feel, there is hope. As Gabriel puts it, “He’s with the lowly. He’s with the brokenhearted. If it’s prayed from that place of surrender and submission, saying, ‘Lord, it’s Your will,’ He will come through every single time.”
If you’re struggling, take that first step. Offer a desperate prayer to God. He’s waiting, ready to transform your brokenness into wholeness, your pain into purpose, and your life into a testimony of His grace.