Monthly Big Idea

Jesus loves me.


“How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.”

Ephesians 3:18, NIV


Week One
Jesus and the Children
Luke 18:15-16

When the disciples try to stop children from going to Jesus, Jesus says to let the children come to me.

Week Two
Mary and Martha
Luke 10:38-42

Martha becomes frustrated when her sister Mary listens to Jesus instead of helping her cook and clean.

Week Three
The Centurion
Matthew 8:5-13

A Centurion (an important leader) asks Jesus to help his servant who is sick, and Jesus makes him all the better without even going to his house!

Week Four
The Thankful Woman
Luke 7:36-50

A woman shows she is thankful and loves Jesus by washing his feet and using her special perfume.



Morning Time

When you go into your child’s room, say: “Good morning, [child’s name]! Raise your hand if Jesus loves you. (Raise your hand.) Yes! Jesus loves YOU, and Jesus loves ME!”

Drive Time

While on the go, count how many children you can name together. Talk about how Jesus loves all children and wants to be their friend forever.

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your child and pray: “God, thank You for Jesus. The way Jesus helps, listens, serves, sacrifices…all that He does shows how much He loves us. I pray [child’s name] grows to believe in the wonderful love of Jesus.”

Bath Time

Play the song “Jesus Loves Me” during bath time. Encourage your child to sing along with you!

Sermon Video