Dear Riverside Family,

I hope this message finds you well! This past Sunday, Pastor Erick brought a powerful and deeply moving word on “Generational Vision” as part of our Raising Parents series. It was an inspiring reminder of the legacy of faith we are called to build, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.

With Vision, We Flourish

Pastor Erick began by emphasizing that vision is essential for flourishing. Drawing from Deuteronomy 6:1-13, he reminded us that God’s people were given a clear vision for their future. They were to know and live by God’s commandments, and to pass that faith to their children. Without vision, as Proverbs 29:18 says, “the people perish,” but with it, people—and especially families—thrive. When we lose sight of our spiritual direction, we can wander, but when God’s vision is clear, we flourish in His purpose.

The Family as God’s Vision for Humanity

Family has always been central to God’s design. Pastor Erick reminded us that the family is where discipleship truly begins. Our homes are the first place where faith is learned, tested, and strengthened. “The family was God’s vision for humanity,” he said, and we are tasked with ensuring our homes reflect the values and love of Christ.

God: A Generational Father

One of the most powerful themes from Pastor Erick’s message was this: God is a Generational Father. He is concerned not just with the present generation but also with those yet to come. Pastor Erick explained how God’s vision has always been generational—He desires that His commandments and His love be passed down through each new generation. We are part of that plan, entrusted with making sure that our faith doesn’t end with us, but continues to grow and influence those who come after us.

Imitate What You Want to Replicate

In order to pass on faith, Pastor Erick called on us to “imitate what you want to replicate.” Our children are watching us closely. They learn more from what we do than what we say. Pastor Erick’s challenge was clear: if we want to raise children of faith, we must live lives of faith ourselves. Our walk should be consistent with our talk, modeling the love, grace, and discipline we hope to see in our kids.

Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk

He shared how important it is to “talk the talk and walk the walk.” Our faith isn’t just a series of rules we impart—it’s a lifestyle. It’s crucial that our children see faith in action, not just in words. Our daily actions, whether in how we treat others, approach challenges, or handle disappointment, should reflect our faith in God.

Make Your Values Visible

Make your values visible” was another critical point from Sunday’s message. Pastor Erick encouraged us to ensure that the values we hold dear are not hidden but visible and active in our lives. This involves bringing our faith into the open and making it an integral part of our family routines, discussions, and decisions. Whether through prayer, scripture reading, or open conversations about God’s goodness, these values must be on full display for our children to absorb and understand.

Remember to Remember

Finally, Pastor Erick urged us to “Remember to remember.” Just as the Israelites were instructed in Deuteronomy to continually recall the mighty works of God, we too must remind ourselves and our families of His faithfulness. In a world full of distractions, it’s vital to intentionally recall and celebrate God’s goodness, keeping it at the forefront of our family culture. We must create spaces in our homes where stories of God’s love and provision are recounted regularly, so they become deeply rooted in the hearts of our children.

The Challenge for Us

Pastor Erick closed with a challenge for all of us: What vision are we casting for the next generation? Are we creating a culture in our homes that draws our children closer to God, or are we leaving it to the world to define their values and beliefs? God’s generational vision calls us to be active participants in raising a generation that knows Him intimately, follows Him boldly, and serves Him faithfully. It’s our responsibility to ensure that the torch of faith continues to burn brightly in our homes and families.

As parents, mentors, and leaders, we have the privilege of leaving a spiritual legacy that will last long after we’re gone. Let’s commit ourselves to raising up the next generation with the vision God has given us: a vision of faith, love, and purpose.

If you missed the message or want to reflect on it further, I highly encourage you to check it out using the links below:

May we continue to seek God’s vision for our families and pass on a legacy of faith that impacts generations!

Chanel Penn
Communications Director, Riverside Church

Sermon Video