Monthly Big Idea

Patience is waiting until later for what you want now.


“I will always love you.” Jeremiah 31:3, CEV


Week One

King Josiah
2 Chronicles 34

When King Josiah’s workers find scrolls with God’s words on them, he quickly reads and obeys them.

Week Two

1 Samuel 1-2

After Hannah cries out to God and talks to Him about why she is so sad, she isn’t sad anymore.

Week Three

Jeremiah 31:3, 29:11

The prophet Jeremiah tells God’s people that God loves them and God has plans for them.

Week Four

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego
Daniel 3:10-28

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are put in a furnace for not bowing to a statue, and God keeps them safe.


Morning Time

When you go into your child’s room, pretend you can’t see them and say: “Good morning! [Child’s name]? Where are you, [child’s name]? (Listen as you slowly walk to them.) I hear you (giggling, talking). There you are! I could hear you. (Cuddle your child.) Do you know who else we can hear from? We can hear from God when we read His words in the Bible.”

Drive Time

While on the go, take turns naming the things you hear. Was that a bird? Car horn? Airplane? When you get home, talk about how we can hear from God when we read the Bible because the Bible has God’s words in it.

Cuddle Time

Cuddle with your child and pray: “God, thank You for the Bible. Thank You that we can read Your words and hear from You. Help us listen and do what You say. We love You, God.”

Bath Time

During bath time, take turns making animal sounds and guessing the animal. As you dry your child off, say: “That was fun! We could hear each other making animal sounds. We can hear from God, too, when we read the Bible!”

Series Overview