Monthly Big Idea
Jesus wants to be my friend forever.
“Jesus said, ‘Come follow me.’” Matthew 4:19, NCV
Week One
Paul Becomes a Believer
Acts 9:1-9
Paul meets Jesus on his way to Damascus, and his life is changed forever.
Week Two
Ananias Helps Paul
Acts 9:10-31
Jesus sends Ananias to help Paul regain his sight.
Week Three
Peter Goes to the House of Cornelius
Acts 10
Jesus teaches Peter to love everyone, so Peter tells Cornelius about Jesus. Then Cornelius brings more people to hear about Jesus too.
Week Four
An Angel Helps Peter Escape from Prison
Acts 12:1-19
The Lord sends an angel to lead Peter out of prison, where he joins his friends who are praying.
Morning Time
When you go into your child’s room, say: “Good morning, [child’s name]! Jesus loves you so much, and He wants to be your friend forever.”
Drive Time
While on the go, look for lights. Talk about how Jesus used a very bright light to make Paul stop and listen to Him. Jesus wanted Paul to be His friend forever.
Cuddle Time
Cuddle with your child and pray: “God, thank You for sending Jesus to be our friend forever.”
Bath Time
As you bathe your child, sing the following words to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus”: “Jesus wants to be my friend forever, friend forever, friend forever. Jesus wants to be my friend forever. For ever and ever!”