Monthly Big Idea
God made me to help others.
“We have the Lord our God to help us.” 2 Chronicles 32:8, NLT
Week One
Good Samaritan
Luke 10:25-37 Jesus tells a story about a Samaritan who helps a hurt man on the side of the road.
Week Two
The Four Friends
Mark 2:1-12
Four friends help carry a man to see Jesus because he cannot walk.
Week Three
Timothy and Tabitha
1 Timothy 4:12; Acts 9:36-39
Tabitha helps others by making clothes, and Timothy helps others by teaching people about God and showing them how to love like Jesus.
Week Four
Rebekah Helps
Genesis 24:15-20
Rebekah looks for a way to help and gives water to a man and all of his camels.
Morning Time
When you enter your child’s room, say: “Good morning, [child’s name]! I see someone God made to help others. It’s… YOU!”
Drive Time
While on the go, name different people we can help. Think of people at church, in your community, school, neighborhood, etc.
Cuddle Time
Cuddle with your child and pray: “God, thank You for making [name of child] and me to help others.”
Bath Time
Add lots of bubbles to bath time. Encourage your child to make things out of the bubbles. As you talk about what they are making with the bubbles, talk about how God made them. And one of the things God made them to do is help others.