Monthly Big Idea

Courage is being brave enough to do what you should do, even when you’re afraid.


“Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid. Do not lose hope. I am the LORD your God. I will be with you everywhere you go.” Joshua 1:9b, NIrV

Week One
Joshua and Caleb
Numbers 13-14
You can do what you should even when others are afraid.

Week Two
David Anointed/Goliath
1 Samuel 16:1-13 and
1 Samuel 17:1-51
You can do what you should even when things seem impossible.

Week Three
Daniel Is Thrown Into a Den of Lions
Daniel 6
You can do what you should because God is with you.

Week Four
The Book of Esther
You can do what you should even when you don’t know what will happen.



Morning Time

As your kid starts their day, encourage them by saying something like: “I saw you being brave when you . . .”

Drive Time

While on the go, ask your kid: “What is something brave you saw or heard about someone doing?”

Meal Time

At a meal, ask everyone at the table: “What is something that people are afraid of? What is something you are afraid of?”

Bed Time

Pray for each other: “God, even when other people around us are scared, help us to be brave and to trust in You. Whether that’s making the right choice, being kind to someone, or whatever it may be.”

Sermon Video

Event We Want to Promote